
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

woolrich follow-up

In 'woolrich', I mentioned the strange telephone call I received on my unlisted home number from the ACLU.

I called my local telco to try to get a really unlisted number the old fashioned way -- by disconnecting service. Unfortunately, my home DSL (from Megapath) comes in on the same circuit. Cancelling service would interrupt my DSL.

Megapath offers 'naked' DSL that doesn't require dial tone service. I signed up for some of that and waited for the telco man to come and drag a new line to my house. They said they would turn up
from 8am to 5pm on the appointed day and that my presence was required. I sat no more than four feet from the door during the entire window and got no telco love.

I can't stand to do it again and so I have to unwind the entire Megapath transaction, cancel the existing DSL, and cancel the phone line just to be done with this nuisance. I may try the cable folks.

I was on the fence about it until the next day. Planned Parenthood called the same unlisted number looking for some year end bucks. It is possible, I suppose, that Planned Parenthood and the ACLU are really two faces of the same giant liberal conspiracy and that I've tricked them into revealing it. I think it is more likely that they share an outsourced call center or databases. I think I've lost for good in any case.

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